Finding the right words

I’ve been a little quiet here as I’m finding it difficult to find just the right words in response to everything that is happening at home and globally. But instead of being paralysed with the fear of saying or doing the wrong thing, I’ve decided that today I need to just show up for me. The world would be a much kinder place if we all showed each other the love and kindness we would like to receive. It’s that simple.

As much as I want to believe that I’m superhuman sometimes, I have to find “the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”

It all starts with being gentle with myself. I’ve had a really slow start to my creative year in my little studio. This is usually my happy place, my solace from the world.
Honestly, I slowed right down in December and I’m having difficulty finding momentum again. I recognise that this is the ebb and flow of a creative life and I need to discover more of what fills my creative cup. I’ve made a commitment to myself to take small, gentle steps every day. By being consistent and showing up with the energy I do have, I’m hoping I’ll be back in rhythm when the time is right.

As a creative, I feel deeply and am easily affected by all that is happening around me in a daily basis. We have lived in a bubble here in Western Australia since the beginning of the pandemic. We are only now starting to feel the full effects of Covid in our community. Support local small business. Your community needs you.

Along with that, watching the floods transpire on the other side of the country with friends and family caught in the middle has been surreal. Just to round it all off, it’s so hard to even imagine the devastation that is unfolding as a result of the beliefs and actions of a powerful, greedy force that has no regard for the path of innocent lives left in its wake.

My message is usually to “choose happy” but today I ask that you “choose kindness”

Hayley xxx