I choose happy!

I was asked yesterday, if I could choose one message to send through my business, what would it be?



It really didn’t take much thought at all. You see, I started my creative journey to rediscover me.

Life is always messy and full of complications. If you wait for the perfect moment, life will just pass you by.

Seven years ago, I found myself question my value in life. I had given my all to raising my beautiful children. We had moved half way across the world and my body was broken. I had just been through back surgery. I was stuck at home. My body was healing, but my soul was yearning for more. I had lost my identity. You see, I loved being a mother and a wife and took my vocation very seriously. But, with the unexpected extra time on my hands while being physically forced to slow down, I started to question where I had vanished to?
This was a wake up call to my soul. In order to give of myself to my family and others, I needed to find something that would fill my cup. 
I picked up a brush and some acrylic paint and my world was transformed!

In that moment, I chose HAPPY!

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